Ann Barr


Ann holds a Foundation Degree in Responding to Alcohol & Drug Misuse. She is presently completing a BSc in Health & Wellbeing. Ann has worked in the homeless sector for 15 years. She worked as a Support Worker in the North West Methodist Mission Men’s hostel from 2006, before taking up a Team Leader position

James Jennings

James holds a Foundation Degree in Responding to Alcohol & Drug Misuse. He is presently completing a BSc in Health & Wellbeing. James has worked in the homeless sector for over 20 years. He has played a crucial role in helping to build the service that exists today within the Mission. He is a advocates

Liam Milligan

Liam works as Mission Director with North West Methodist Mission. Liam has worked as a senior manager in the commercial retail and statutory sectors and has over twenty-five years’ experience working in the community voluntary sector.  He has particular experience in delivery of services to adults in a community setting, cross border development work, community-based